Shipetaukin offers a wide selection of baking flours including whole grain, ancient grain, organic, and gluten free. All flours are single-ingredient and contain no GMOs, artificial coloring or flavoring.


Made entirely from ground chickpeas, chickpea flour can be used in baking mixes, as a light batter or as a substitute for cheese. Chickpea flour is naturally dense with a stickier texture than wheat flour when added to liquids making it a fantastic binder for baking.


Fonio flour is naturally gluten free and made entirely from fonio. You can use fonio flour as a gluten free alternative for thickening sauces, pancakes or combine with other flours for baking. Additionally this flour provides a range of essential amino acids (methionine and cystine) vital to human health and deficient in today’s major cereals: wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, barley, and rye.


Soft and naturally gluten free, millet flour is made 100% from millet seed and acts much like other whole grains. Versatile in the kitchen, it can be used for bread flour, as a thickener or as a substitute to wheat flour. Furthermore, millet flour provides a great source of nutrients such as copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese which are vital to human health.


Produced entirely from spelt, white spelt flour comes from milling an ancient grain that is a relative of wheat. White spelt flour can be used as an alternative to wheat flour, as a thickener, or for bread flour. Additionally, this whole grain flour contains essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin B3, and magnesium.